Wednesday, September 29, 2010
America and Islam
The American people developed an intense individualism. Democracy is not individualistic but it highly looked socialistic (Moore 2008: 48). This is what Americans think about and today the world thinks like America. They want to be like America, to be highly developed through democracy and to be highly socialistic that leads to advance economy.
But what the people do not know or less give attention about America, is the increasing numbers of crime rates in America’s cities. David Levinson wrote:
New York City’s approach has become a crackdown on quality-of-life offenses. This crackdown has increased in the last several years. In 2000 for example, criminal court summonses for offences such as drinking alcohol in public and not paying a public transportation fare increased more than 16 percent when compared to the previous year (2002:1763).
To be more exact, the issue that needs focus is the number of rape cases in America. As a highly developed democratic country, why can't the American government overcome this issue? Is there something wrong about how they fight against crime?
According to a report in America, violence against women and rape rates are increasing throughout the year and statistics are made annually, but the most important thing is, how do we fight against these crimes.
From 2005 until 2007 the crime rate has increased up to 23%. Such a short period of time yet the number that has increased is shockingly high, and the number of sample that has been studied is only 73,600 from a mere 41,500 households which is only 0.9 percent of the total U.S population ( 307,006,550 people).
According to the U.S Department of Justice, somewhere in America a woman is raped every two minutes and at least 45% of rapists were under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is a big problem when the government is less concern about human rights or more accurate women rights. At this point imagine what is the amount of adultery that’s happening in America.
The difference between adultery and rape is only a matter of whether somebody is improperly suggestive/willing to give herself or not, and this is happening all over the world, and more embarrassingly is that zina is also an issue in the Muslim society, despite the severe punishment yet less are alarmed by it.
To build a law against crime is not enough to prevent crime. A much highly rated effort should be done. So as a Muslim country and Islamic Government, what is the root to solving this problem?
According to Zulkifli Mohamad that there are number of facts that drives a man to commit adultery. By recognizing these facts, it will be a guidance to avoid doing zina.
The first thing is the eyesight. Without looking, how can a man be tempted to commit such a thing? When there is no limitation in looking, then everything is please to see. For example, looking at a girl or women by looking comes desire. As said by the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, the eyes in one of satan's arrow.
The fourth reason that leads to zina is our self or in other words it’s our libidinous character (hawa-nafsu) . In the Holy Quran Allah s.w.t has explained that a man's nafs is divided into three categories. One of them is nafs-mutmainnah, which is the best among the three of them, a kind of character that has desire but the desire has been covered with iman (spiritual belief), that whenever the heart thinks of a sin, in an instant it will remind the heart of fear to Allah s.w.t.
The human heart works in two ways, either for good or for evil, but it can only act upon one way at a time, so the desire of a human heart is always fighting between good and evil. If the taqwa of ones heart is strong, then surely the willingness to do good will prevailed.
Muhammad Syukri Salleh wrote (2003: 28)
Rohul-tamayyiz plays a big role in life, when it thinks it is called akal (sense), when it feels it is called qalbu (the heart) and when it desires for something it is called nafs (lust). The king of ones body is the heart, while sense and lust is the people of the kingdom. The heart is called the king because it is there where the iman is located. The higher the level of ones iman is, the closer it gets to truth and it also works the way around. When the level of ones iman falls, then the nafs will take over as the king to the human body, which ends up in damaging the human mind.
The fifth fact that is written in the article is highly rated as a part of our life. Free-interaction is one of the huge social problems that is happening every where. In schools, universities, and even the place where we work for example offices and factories. It seems that almost everybody is trapped in this issue and surely it is hard to avoid it, but the least is not to interact with non-mahram women or men without unreasonable purpose, like going for lunch together, giving a ride or something that would lead to open behavior. Allah s.w.t said in the Quran
Translation: Come not near to unlawful sex, verily, it is a fahishah (a great sin) and an evil way that leads one to hell, unless Allah s.w.t forgives him. al-Isra 17. Ayah 32.
Allah s.w.t said do not come near! instead of do not do! It's because in Islam, anything that leads to a sin, is considered a sin.
The last factor that's been mentioned by Zulkifli Mohamad is the influence of the media and that's a big problem, nowadays there is no control on the worldwide network. Everything is at your finger tip and no boundaries at all and this does not mean that the Internet or any type of media should be ban, but there should be parental or adult guidance while using it, or else this will lead to bad behavior and habits.
To create a peaceful country, a good government and a good leader is needed. In reality the law might be perfect, but the people behind the law could be criminals.
The only government that has shined and proved to be the best in the world, is the one that use to exist in the period of Muhammad s.a.w. He showed the way of leadership and compatriot, an actual example for all humankind. The thing that made Islam great during those days were only two, al-Quran and al-Hadith. So, if a government like Medina is to be administrated, then these two things should be hold strong.
If there is any type of development in the modern Islamic world, then the Muslims should refer to the teaching principles of Islam as contained in the Quran. As a revival to the fundamentals of Islamic belief, this action will not only be a refreshment of the iman for the Islamic ummah , but also provides opportunities to deliver effective teaching of Islam to the West in doing research to find a way out of the tangles that have narrowed modernism and the modernization of Islam, in the need to find a solution to combat the power that threatens the existence of Islamic civilization (Nasr 1975: 11).
Only then the objective of Islam can be achieved the way the Muhammad s.a.w wanted and according to Allah's s.w.t will.
Douglas B. Sosnik (2006). Applebee’s America. New York. NY: Simon & Schuster.
John Bassett Moore (2008). Four Phases of American Development: Federalism-Democracy-Imperialism-Expansion. Printed in America: BiblioBazaar, LLC.
David Levinson (2002). Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. Printed in America: Berkshire Publishing Group. LLC.
Muhammad Syukri Salleh (2003). 7 Prinsip Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam. Kuala Lumpur: Zebra Editions Sdn Bhd.
Zulkifli Mohamad (2010). Solusi isu # 10. Zina: Faktor dan Penyebabnya.
Http:// (2008). US: Soaring Rates of Rape and Violence Against Women.
Taha Mohd Omar
Pelajar Ijazah Sarjana Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam.
Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam (ISDEV)
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan
USM Pulau Pinang
Sesi 2010/2011
Tasawwur Islam mempunyai ciri-ciri tertentu. Salah satu daripada ciri-ciri tersebut ialah al-Ijabiyyah. Ia berasal daripada perkataan arab ajaba yang bermaksud positif atau kesan yang positif dalam kehidupan manusia. Pengertian ini kemudian diperincikan lagi oleh Sayyid Qutb (1986 : 245) al-Ijabiyyah adalah hubungan positif antara manusia dengan Allah, manusia sesama manusia dan manusia dengan alam.
Hampir sama dengan pengertian Sayyid Qutb (1986) ini ialah pengertian yang dikemukakan oleh Ghazali Basri (2008: 152). Walau bagaimanapun Ghazali Basri menfokuskan al-Ijabiyyah itu sebagai satu konsep yang membawa maksud bersikap positif terhadap kemanfaatan alam ini sahaja.
Selain itu, Haron Din (1992:119) berpendapat bahawa al-Ijabiyyah bermaksud adanya hubungan dua hala yang positif antara Khaliq (pencipta) dengan makhluq (manusia) dan juga hubungan antara penganut Islam dengan Islam itu sendiri.
Berdasarkan kepada pengertian-pengertian di atas, disimpulkan bahawa Islam adalah agama positif dan memberikan kesan yang positif dalam kehidupan manusia terutama dalam hubungannya dengan Allah dan sesama manusia.
Tujuan Allah s.w.t menciptakan manusia adalah semata-mata untuk mengabdikan diri kepadanya. Oleh sebab itu segala perlakuan dan tindakan seorang manusia akan dihitung oleh Allah s.w.t dan semuanya akan
dipersoalkan di akhirat nanti. Untuk persediaan akhirat, Allah s.w.t telah menjadikan dunia ini tempat untuk manusia melakukan amalan kebaikan.
Termasuk dalam amalan kebaikan ini ialah memanfaatkan setiap perkara yang dicipta oleh Allah dalam alam semesta ini bagi tujuan untuk beribadat kepadaNya. Allah s.w.t berfirman:
يأيها الناس اعبدوا ربكم الذي خلقكم و الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون* الذي جعل لكم الأرض فراشا
و السماء بنآء و أنزل من السمآء مآء فأخرج به من الثمرات رزقا لكم, فلا تجعلوا لله أندادا و أنتم
تعلمون *
Maksudnya, “Wahai manusia, sembahlah Tuhan kamu yang telah menciptakan kamu dan yang telah menciptakan orang-orang sebelum kamu, mudah-mudahan kamu bertaqwa. (Allah s.w.t) yang menjadikan untuk kamu bumi sebagai hamparan dan langit yang terbina teguh dan Dia telah menurunkan daripada langit air (hujan) lalu keluarlah dengannya buah-buahan sebagai rezeki untuk kamu, maka janganlah kamu menjadika bagi Allah s.w.t itu sembahan yang lain sedang kamu mengetahui”
(Al-Baqarah 2: 21-22).
Ayat ini menerangkan tentang konsep al-Ijabiyyah. Melalui konsep ini hidup manusia itu mempunyai hubungan positif dengan alam dan juga dengan pencipta alam, iaitu Allah. Allah s.w.t berfirman.
و ما خلقت الجن و الأنسان ألا ليعبدون
dalam perkataan lain mentaati segala suruhannya dan meninggalkan segala larangannya. Allah s.w.t berfirman lagi.
يا ايها الذين أمنوا ان تنصروالله ينصر كم
Dalam erti kata lain, manusia diciptakan oleh Allah s.w.t supaya beribadat kepadaNya. Walau bagaimanapun manusia bukan hanya diperintahkan untuk beribadat sahaja sehingga meninggalkan segala perkara berbentuk keduniaan. Allah s.w.t tidak pernah melarang hambaNya dari mencari harta, tetapi ia hendaklah berpandukan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Hal ini adalah untuk mendapat keredhaan Allah s.w.t.
Sebenarnya manusia juga berperanan sebagai khalifah di muka bumi ini. Sebenarnya ini bukanlah suatu hubungan biasa, bahkan hubungan atau perjanjian yang telah lama dibuat sejak di alam-arwaah lagi. Allah s.w.t berfirman.
أ لست بربكم * قالوا بلى شهدنا
Mengenai ayat ini Ahmad Ibrahim Abu Sin (1997: 9) menjelaskan bahawa Pengakuan dan pengiktirafan itulah menyebabkan Allah s.w.t mengurniakan kepada manusia muka bumi ini untuk diperintah dan membangunkannya. Manusia dibekalkan dengan kuasa dan kemudahan agar manusia sentiasa bersyukur dan mengingati Allah.
Hubungan manusia sesama sendiri pula digambarkan sebagai satu umat yang bersatu padu. Kewajipan manusia untuk beramal mengikut ajaran agama, bukanlah terhad kepada diri sendiri sahaja bahkan ia juga merangkumi semua manusia yang berada dalam sesebuah masyarakat. Demikian ini telah dijelaskan dalam al-Quran.
و أمر اهلك بالصلوة و اصطبر عليها
Manusia hidup di dunia ini dalam bentuk sebuah masyarakat. Perkara ini tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa tidak ada seorang insan pun yang dapat hidup di dunia secara sendirian. Manusia sering memerlukan antara satu sama lain, tidak kira sama ada dalam bentuk hubungan adik-beradik atau hubungan seagama.
Kebahagian dan kekukuhan sesebuah keluarga atau masyarakat bergantung kepada sejauh mana bahagia dan eratnya hubungan individu-individu ini. Ini akan berlaku apabila hak-hak antara mereka dijalankan mengikut panduan yang telah dibawa oleh Rasulullah s.a.w.
Sebarang pekerjaan dan tindakan, selagi ia selaras dengan nilai Islam dan memberi manfaat kepada dirinya dan masyarakatnya, semuanya akan dihitung sebagai amal soleh. Keadaan inilah yang menggalakkan manusia berbuat baik sebanyak mungkin kerana ia tahu bahawa akhirnya yang menjadi perhitungan di akhirat ialah amal solehnya.(Ghazali Basri, 2008:153)
Hubungan manusia dengan alam ialah bagaimana manusia dapat menguruskan alam sehingga ia dapat alam memberi faedah dan kemudahan kepada manusia. Allah s.w.t berfirman.
و جعلنا نومكم سباتا * و جعلنا لليل لباسا * و جعلنا النهار معاشا
Alam ini telah diciptakan untuk berkhidmat kepada manusia, daripada matahari yang terbit setiap pagi hinggalah udara yang disedut setiap saat. Semuanya adalah nikmat yang diciptakan oleh Allah s.w.t untuk kemudahan manusia.
Mengikut akidah seorang Muslim, dunia ini dan segala sumbernya tidak dapat memenuhi keperluan dan kepuasan manusia, Hal ini kerana kehidupan dunia bukanlah kehidupan yang kekal abadi, akan tetapi akhiratlah tempat tinggal asal.
Dalam pembentukan sikap seorang Muslim, walaupun ia tahu tentang risiko yang dihadapi semasa berada di dunia ini, namun dunia tidak pernah dianggap sebagai tempat bebanan. Sebaliknya seorang Muslim akan berusaha untuk melakukan sesuatu agar memperbaiki keadaan sekitarnya menerusi pendidikan, da’wah dan jihad dalam konteks amr ma’ruf nahi munkar , kerana ia tahu di sini akan ada lagi ruang untuknya meraih kejayaan (al-falah). (Ghazali Basri 2008: 153)
Ketiga-tiga perkara ini jugalah merupakan tapak bagi setiap aspek kehidupan manusia dan sekali gus menjadi acuan yang membentuk teori PBI. Dari sinilah lahirnya enam prinsip teori PBI yang lain. Misalnya, sebagaimana yang telah dibina oleh Muhammad Syukri Salleh (2003: 13-14) bahawa prinsip teori PBI yang kedua (manusia sebagai pelaku pembangunan) lahir dari tasawwur Islam yang meyakini bahawa manusia adalah makhluk Allah s.w.t. Prinsip teori PBI yang ketiga (alam roh, alam dunia dan alam akhirat adalah skala waktu pambangunan), keempat (ilmu fard ‘ayn sebagai kerangka pembangunan), kelima (ibadah sebagai perkaedahan pembangunan), keenam (sumber alam sebagai peralatan pembangunan) yang lahir dari tasawwur Islam meyakini bahawa alam semesta adalah makhluk Allah s.w.t. Manakala prinsip teori PBI yang ketujuh (marda-tillah sebagai matlamat pembangunan) pula berhubung rapat dengan tasawwur Islam yang meyakini bahawa Allah s.w.t adalah pencipta.
Haron Din (1992). Tasawwur Islam. Shah Alam: Hizbi.
Ghazali Basri (2008). Dinamika Tasawwur Islam, Dalam Pembentukan Keperibadian Umat. Seri Begawan, Brunei: Terbitan Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama (KUPU).
Ahmad Ibarahim Abu Sin (1997). Pengurusan Dalam Islam. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Muhammad Syukri Salleh (2003). 7 Prinsip Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam. Kuala Lumpur: Zebra Editions Sdn Bhd.
Sayyid Qutb (1986). Muqawwimat al-Tasawwur al-Islami. Syria: Dar al-Shuruq.
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Another new issue that has been bothering the whole Malaysian nation is how the Malay Muslims disrespects other religions, it seems that the way these people act, wont ever bring unity to the nation. By violating other religion, will only bring conflict between the people. (click here to link to the actual article)
It would not be new news if the Hindus in Malaysia would complain about their rights are always delayed in favor of the Muslims. Because usually that's what happens. The Malaysian supreme court did the right decision to fined those who were related to the illegal protest, The Court showed the way of Sun nah and the true meaning of La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah.
Because Islam is never unjust.
We all know about the story where, The prophet Muhammad s.a.w favored a Jew than a Muslim, because the Jew was mistreated by the Muslim, and then when the Muslim when to Omar r.anhu to seek for justice, Omar r.anhu said, a man who isn't happy with The prophets decisions, does not deserve to live. And Omar r.anhu separated the man's head from his body.
The story tells that no matter who you are or what religion you believe in, Muslim or Non-Muslim. Justice must be done for all. This is the message that Islam carries through out the world.
As a Muslim, it seems agreeable to what the decisions that has been done by the Malaysian government and at the same time taking care and giving attention to the Hindu minor-league in Malaysia, and it is believe that more protection must be taken place for The Hindus.
These 12 people who has been brought to justice, who call themselves Muslims, not only violated the feelings of The Hindus to The Muslim people, but they also violated what the Holy quran has laid upon Islam. Allah s.w.t has said in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 256: There is no compulsion (pressure) in religion.
Not to forget that they also showed an act of cruelty to the cow by abusing it. The courts punishment could have been more severe. Regardless of the cow as a holy animal in Hinduism, the cow is a creation of Allah s.w.t and no one has the right to abuse it in this way.

Just look back to the days during prophet Muhammad's livelihood where Islam was spreading to the corners of the world. Back then it was not compulsion or force that brought people to embrace Islam, but an effort with full of sincerity that shape the Muslim world. As time goes by, Islam got weaker and today, we know where we stand.
Allah s.w.t said in the Holy Quran in Surat Al-Araaf. verse 96: And if the people of the towns had believed and had the Taqwa (piety), certainly, We should have open for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they denied. So we took them (with punishment
for what they use to earn.
The ayah says that Iman and Taqwa is the key to success, not just in this world but also in the hereafter. So lets stand united and make a judgement call to change the world as it was, In the golden era of Islam.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Menghormati Ramadan
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
one new leader-one new idea-one malaysia
Friday, July 16, 2010
difference between capitalism and islamism
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
In Etimology, conflict means to clash or to be incompatible and to be at odds. There are many more meanings for conflict, but what i am trying to explain here is, do we really need this word in our dictionary? a word that its meaning can bring to disagreements, struggle and warfare.
and in the end disaster!
I really hate to discuss about conflict, but i would love to know how can we solve it, so the first step is to discuss.
We wont go far today, will just talk about the muslim world.
Is there conflict between us?
I read an article today (Global Jihad). First i thought it was about the beauty of islam, then when i kept reading it until the end, i realize that the article was really stating that muslim are barbaric people! that to me is a slap in the face, people who merely know anything about islam, is criticizing islam. and these people actually are the ones who are trying to put bad images in the human minds, not only for the non-muslims but for the muslims too!
If you think for a second, just think.... do we really have love among ourselves, i mean between muslims? Let me give you an example.. If you were to be a student in an international university like U.S.M, you would meet some arabs, africans or maybe pakistanis. I would say that many of you would not want to be friends with them.. right? and why is that?