There are many negatives in the capitalist understanding, some of them is obvious to see and some are hidden from peoples view.
Mr.Burke is only telling us the positives, like self-improvement and initiative and at the same time admitting that human made system can never be perfect. That statement is without question acceptable and true. because humans are only creations and the thing that can only be perfect is when the creator is perfect, and there is only one creator ALLAH s.w.t
I heavily disagree when saying that Capitalism is the best system for the society, the first thing is that i am a muslim, and i have a muslim mind, so the big error in capitalism is the ideologies, which is far from the teachings of islam, whereas our goal is to bring stability and justice between humanity, which is the opposite of capitalism, where their goal is only to be advantageous and get benefit, regardless of the method, either halal (legitimate) or haram (forbidden by religious law).
For example riba (interest), gambling, alcohol export-importation, drug trafficking and others.
As stated by Mr.Burke, that the capitalism we have now is not the same as what we had in the last century, so at the same time he is stating that a country like America can survive without capitalist method of governance, where most people suffer.
The suffering happens when the individualistic character is used the wrong way. I am not saying that we cant be individualist, but the capitalist has wrongly used this character for self-benefit. how can you say that you are protecting individual rights? when you,re only thinking about yourself as that individual. Where the poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer!
What does 'demanding the best from every person means'? That is my question here, Mr. Burke is saying that in capitalism there is a freedom gate, where everybody can choose the work or business of their interest according to the skills that they have. But tell me why do i see jobless peoples on the streets of New York and Washington? putting banners that PLEASE TAKE ME , I AM A HARVARD GRADUATE !! but none of you, are even looking at him. because every one is thinking for themselves and thats the blind truth of capitalism.
There is a way to bring stability to a nation or country, and that is the way of islam, not capitalism nor socialism or even communism. You can say that maybe these ways are not better than capitalism, but there is no better way than the Islamic way of life. Don,t try Islam but do Islam.
The last thing that needs to be highlighted is there is no other way to do transaction than the islamic banking way. You can say that a bank would not be pressure to give loans to people that can pay, and you think thats good enough to say that you are better? i said that even if you give loans to those who can pay back, its still unfair, because your being unjust by taking more than what you have give. That is far from stability and unity.
America might make a statement saying that it has more economic wealth for more people than any other place on the planet, that is a lie! Youre countries resources cant even accommodate to the meet of the people, thats why you need wars to be fight so you can keep stealing other nations money and wealth (oil), thus making you a supreme country.
What goes around comes around. the fall of capitalism and the new dawn of islamic era!
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