Thursday, January 13, 2011

By Prof. Naquib Al-Attas

Prof. Dr. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-attas (Born 1976)

Religion is a big problem to define according to the West. What is a definition of religion? You cannot define a religion without believing in the fundamental thing, that is God. Most Western thinks that Islam means submission.

The Arabic being used in the Koran is actually Islamised from the jahiliyah Arabic.

Before we can talk about the definition of Religion, we have to understand Arabic.

To understand Islam, we have to analyze it from the Arabic point of view.

Religion in Arabic means Deen, as in Dayn. The same masdar, so what does depth has to do with religion? We understood that we are in depth to Allah, because Allah s.w.t has given us life to live and make effort for the life in dunia and akhirat. We are in depthness. Sedangkan Allah tak berhajat kepada hutang kita. How can you pay back to Allah using money, property etc. because everything belongs to him

Man dzal ladzi yuqridullaha qordon hasan-

Inna allaha ashtara minal mukminina anfusahum wa amwaalahum-

The way to pay the depth is to give your self, not only give service to Allah but to obey and worship Allah s.w.t.

Ibadah does not mean to go in the jungle or to beat yourself with knives etc, but to ibadah is to follow specific action that is proper and bestowed on the Muslims.

1.Wa man yabtaghi ghairal islami deenan fa lan yuqbala minhu-

2. A fa ghaira deenillahhi yabghun.

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