Another new issue that has been bothering the whole Malaysian nation is how the Malay Muslims disrespects other religions, it seems that the way these people act, wont ever bring unity to the nation. By violating other religion, will only bring conflict between the people. (click here to link to the actual article)
It would not be new news if the Hindus in Malaysia would complain about their rights are always delayed in favor of the Muslims. Because usually that's what happens. The Malaysian supreme court did the right decision to fined those who were related to the illegal protest, The Court showed the way of Sun nah and the true meaning of La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah.
Because Islam is never unjust.
We all know about the story where, The prophet Muhammad s.a.w favored a Jew than a Muslim, because the Jew was mistreated by the Muslim, and then when the Muslim when to Omar r.anhu to seek for justice, Omar r.anhu said, a man who isn't happy with The prophets decisions, does not deserve to live. And Omar r.anhu separated the man's head from his body.
The story tells that no matter who you are or what religion you believe in, Muslim or Non-Muslim. Justice must be done for all. This is the message that Islam carries through out the world.
As a Muslim, it seems agreeable to what the decisions that has been done by the Malaysian government and at the same time taking care and giving attention to the Hindu minor-league in Malaysia, and it is believe that more protection must be taken place for The Hindus.
These 12 people who has been brought to justice, who call themselves Muslims, not only violated the feelings of The Hindus to The Muslim people, but they also violated what the Holy quran has laid upon Islam. Allah s.w.t has said in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 256: There is no compulsion (pressure) in religion.
Not to forget that they also showed an act of cruelty to the cow by abusing it. The courts punishment could have been more severe. Regardless of the cow as a holy animal in Hinduism, the cow is a creation of Allah s.w.t and no one has the right to abuse it in this way.
If Islam is to spread globally and all the commandments of Allah s.w.t and the practice of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is to be brought to life, than a virtuous and ethical effort must take place. At least just by understanding that there are other religions than Islam would make the world a better and safer place to live. WA MA ALAINA ILLA AL-BALAGH.
Just look back to the days during prophet Muhammad's livelihood where Islam was spreading to the corners of the world. Back then it was not compulsion or force that brought people to embrace Islam, but an effort with full of sincerity that shape the Muslim world. As time goes by, Islam got weaker and today, we know where we stand.
Allah s.w.t said in the Holy Quran in Surat Al-Araaf. verse 96: And if the people of the towns had believed and had the Taqwa (piety), certainly, We should have open for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they denied. So we took them (with punishment
for what they use to earn.
The ayah says that Iman and Taqwa is the key to success, not just in this world but also in the hereafter. So lets stand united and make a judgement call to change the world as it was, In the golden era of Islam.