Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How do you steal? Try this.

- Pick a field you are passionate about: whether its blogging, romance novel writing, comedy, internet entrepreneurship, art, cooking, cancer research, etc.

Read everything you can about the field. Here’s what you have to read minimally:

a) At least the history of that field from 1800 on. Try to read at least 10 different sources on the history

b) All of the latest blogs in the field. Try to have 100 different sources here.

c) All the basic techniques the current leading experts in the field use. Read all of their biographies or autobiographies.

- d) Pick your five favorite sources in the field. For instance, if I wanted to write a novel: I’d pick my five favorite novelists. If

I wanted to start a business in “local Internet” I’d pick my five favorite local Internet companies. If I wanted to blog, I’d pick my five favorite bloggers. If I wanted to be a management consultant, I’d steal directly from Peter Drucker, Jim Collins, etc.

a)Get one element that you like from each source. What element do you think stands out that makes them a success.

b) Add your own improvement. Or not. You can even start out with a direct copy and throw in your twist at the end.

- c) Ignore all the haters. The more people hate you, the more money you will make. Trust me on that.