Saturday, July 31, 2010


In the fast life of the modern era, many things has been changing lately, especially our daily activities. Many would want a better living from yesterday and to achieve that a big number of ideas or actions has been taken place, but to get a good life, we must have a good fundamental strategy, and as muslim country, our way should be the Islamic way of life.

Another new issue that has been bothering the whole Malaysian nation is how the Malay Muslims disrespects other religions, it seems that the way these people act, wont ever bring unity to the nation. By violating other religion, will only bring conflict between the people. (click here to link to the actual article)

It would not be new news if the Hindus in Malaysia would complain about their rights are always delayed in favor of the Muslims. Because usually that's what happens. The Malaysian supreme court did the right decision to fined those who were related to the illegal protest, The Court showed the way of Sun nah and the true meaning of La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah.
Because Islam is never unjust.

We all know about the story where, The prophet Muhammad s.a.w favored a Jew than a Muslim, because the Jew was mistreated by the Muslim, and then when the Muslim when to Omar r.anhu to seek for justice, Omar r.anhu said, a man who isn't happy with The prophets decisions, does not deserve to live. And Omar r.anhu separated the man's head from his body.

The story tells that no matter who you are or what religion you believe in, Muslim or Non-Muslim. Justice must be done for all. This is the message that Islam carries through out the world.

As a Muslim, it seems agreeable to what the decisions that has been done by the Malaysian government and at the same time taking care and giving attention to the Hindu minor-league in Malaysia, and it is believe that more protection must be taken place for The Hindus.

These 12 people who has been brought to justice, who call themselves Muslims, not only violated the feelings of The Hindus to The Muslim people, but they also violated what the Holy quran has laid upon Islam. Allah s.w.t has said in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 256: There is no compulsion (pressure) in religion.
Not to forget that they also showed an act of cruelty to the cow by abusing it. The courts punishment could have been more severe. Regardless of the cow as a holy animal in Hinduism, the cow is a creation of Allah s.w.t and no one has the right to abuse it in this way.

If Islam is to spread globally and all the commandments of Allah s.w.t and the practice of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is to be brought to life, than a virtuous and ethical effort must take place. At least just by understanding that there are other religions than Islam would make the world a better and safer place to live. WA MA ALAINA ILLA AL-BALAGH.
Just look back to the days during prophet Muhammad's livelihood where Islam was spreading to the corners of the world. Back then it was not compulsion or force that brought people to embrace Islam, but an effort with full of sincerity that shape the Muslim world. As time goes by, Islam got weaker and today, we know where we stand.

Allah s.w.t said in the Holy Quran in Surat Al-Araaf. verse 96: And if the people of the towns had believed and had the Taqwa (piety), certainly, We should have open for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they denied. So we took them (with punishment
for what they use to earn.

The ayah says that Iman and Taqwa is the key to success, not just in this world but also in the hereafter. So lets stand united and make a judgement call to change the world as it was, In the golden era of Islam.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Menghormati Ramadan

Sedar tak sedar, bulan Ramadan Mubarak yang lama menghilang, kini hampir tiba. Ada beberapa isu yang biasanya akan timbul bila Ramadan menjelma. Antaranya perlantikan imam Al-hafiz untuk solat terawikh, Program khatam Al-quran, Qiyam-ul-lail dan lain-lain.

Tetapi ada juga langkah yang biasa tetapi aneh, yang diambil sempena bulan yang penuh barakah ini. Saya sebagai pelanggan setia surat kabar Berita Harian terbaca satu artikel yang agak menarik, tajuknya berbunyi ''Pusat hiburan tak operasi Ramadan''.

Adalah diketahui umum, bahawa maksiat di negara kita kini makin berleluasa, hari demi hari, ada saja benda atau isu baru yang akan timbul. Tetapi alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah s.w.t yang telah memberi kita pemimpin yang masih ada sedikit fikir dan hormat tentang Islam, dengan mengambil langkah untuk menutup dan menghentikan operasi-operasi maksiat sepanjang bulan Ramadan Al-Mubarak ini.

Sekarang, titik yang kita perlu tumpukan perhatian ini ialah, adakah cukup bagi seorang hamba untuk mendapat redha tuhannya, dengan hanya beribadat selama sebulan... dan pada 11 bulan yang lainya, dia melakukan kejahatan dan maksiat.

Seandainya kita memang ingin menghormati agama Allah s.w.t, maka kita patut lakukannya setiap detik dan waktu. dan bukan sahaja pada bulan Ramadan, kalau penguat kuasa kita berfikir dengan teliti, maka mereka juga akan setuju untuk menghentikan dan menutup pusat-pusat hiburan ini selamanya dan bukan untuk Ramadan sahaja.

Dalam Al-Quran Allah s.w.t berfirman dalam surah Al-Ankabut ayat 45. Terjemah: "Sesungguhnya sembahyang itu menghalang dari perkara-perkara jahat dan buruk"

Mari kita renung sementara... kalau seorang insan menghormati Islam/Ramadan (dengan menjaga solat lima waktu serta amalan sunat yang lain) hanya pada bulan Ramadan, dan selepas bulan mulia itu, mengabaikan agama, malah memulakan balik adat buruk yang mana selalu dilakukanya sewaktu diluar Ramadan .... adakah kamu rasa penghormatan yang diberi kepada agama pada bulan Ramadan itu telah diterima Allah?sedangkan sembahyang nya tidak dapat menghalangnya dari perkara-perkara jahat dan berdosa? seperti mana jelas dalam ayat tadi?

Dan Allah s.w.t juga berfirman dalam surah Al-Anaam ayat 160. Terjemah: "Barangsiapa 'membawa' satu kebaikan di akhirat kelak, maka Allah s.w.t akan membalasnya dengan 10 kali ganda'.

Keterangan: Dalam ayat ini Allah s.w.t berfirman perkataan "membawa". Allah s.w.t tidak kata, Barangsiapa "membuat" kebaikan.... bahkan, Barangsiapa "membawa" kebaikan.
Jadi kalau seseorang itu berbuat amalan baik, tetapi selepas itu ada buat dosa. Contohnya tinggal solat fardhu, mengupat atau sebagainya, maka adakah amalan baiknya akan masih bersamanya.... atau hilang dimakan dosanya?

Kesimpulannya ialah, aneh sekali kalau hanya ingin menghormati bulan Ramadan sahaja. Sedangkan kewajiban sebagai seorang Muslim yang kita perlu laksanakan, bukanlah setakat di bulan Ramadan, malah sepanjang tahun.

Jadi saya sebagai seorang muslim yang mana masih cetek ilmunya ingin menyarankan bahawa, kita sebagai orang islam.. wajib bagi kita untuk menghalang kemunkaran dengan sepenuh tenaga dan mengajak seluruh umat islam kepada kebaikan dalam setiap keadaan dan waktu, hinggalah kita berpisah dari alam fana ini.

Akhir sekali saya menutup Post saya ini dengan sepotong hadith nabawi s.a.w: Terjemahnya berbunyi: Barangsiapa melihat kejahatan berlaku, hendaklah dia menghalangnya dengan tangannya dan kalau tidak berupaya maka halanglah kejahatan itu dengan lidahnya (bercakap) dan jikalau tidak ada upaya juga, maka zahirkanlah perasaan benci pada kejahatan itu. Sesungguhnya inilah tahap iman yang amat lemah.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

one new leader-one new idea-one malaysia

Back to the date when the new prime minister was elected, what was actually malaysia expecting? a new powerful government.. a more stable economy or just the old way that has been living in the ministers office for decades?

Our new Prime minister YABhg. datuk seri Najib Tun Razak, had a speech after he swore in the morning swearing ceremony in front of the whole nation. He first thank our former Prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who was a great leader and try to lead Malaysia to a better future, he hold the post for about 6 years, from 31st october 2003 and left the office 3rd april 2009. He was a graceful example as our leader.

As we all know, Najib's father was also one of Malaysia's previous Prime minister and thats where the positive inspiration came from. Well there are some goals that the new Prime minister wants to aim for next four years, the first thing that he would think about, is tackling poverty: restructure the society. Why are we being hit by poverty? is there a problem with the Malaysian economy that we cant solve?

Friday, July 16, 2010

difference between capitalism and islamism

There are many negatives in the capitalist understanding, some of them is obvious to see and some are hidden from peoples view.

Mr.Burke is only telling us the positives, like self-improvement and initiative and at the same time admitting that human made system can never be perfect. That statement is without question acceptable and true. because humans are only creations and the thing that can only be perfect is when the creator is perfect, and there is only one creator ALLAH s.w.t

I heavily disagree when saying that Capitalism is the best system for the society, the first thing is that i am a muslim, and i have a muslim mind, so the big error in capitalism is the ideologies, which is far from the teachings of islam, whereas our goal is to bring stability and justice between humanity, which is the opposite of capitalism, where their goal is only to be advantageous and get benefit, regardless of the method, either halal (legitimate) or haram (forbidden by religious law).
For example riba (interest), gambling, alcohol export-importation, drug trafficking and others.

As stated by Mr.Burke, that the capitalism we have now is not the same as what we had in the last century, so at the same time he is stating that a country like America can survive without capitalist method of governance, where most people suffer.
The suffering happens when the individualistic character is used the wrong way. I am not saying that we cant be individualist, but the capitalist has wrongly used this character for self-benefit. how can you say that you are protecting individual rights? when you,re only thinking about yourself as that individual. Where the poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer!

What does 'demanding the best from every person means'? That is my question here, Mr. Burke is saying that in capitalism there is a freedom gate, where everybody can choose the work or business of their interest according to the skills that they have. But tell me why do i see jobless peoples on the streets of New York and Washington? putting banners that PLEASE TAKE ME , I AM A HARVARD GRADUATE !! but none of you, are even looking at him. because every one is thinking for themselves and thats the blind truth of capitalism.

There is a way to bring stability to a nation or country, and that is the way of islam, not capitalism nor socialism or even communism. You can say that maybe these ways are not better than capitalism, but there is no better way than the Islamic way of life. Don,t try Islam but do Islam.

The last thing that needs to be highlighted is there is no other way to do transaction than the islamic banking way. You can say that a bank would not be pressure to give loans to people that can pay, and you think thats good enough to say that you are better? i said that even if you give loans to those who can pay back, its still unfair, because your being unjust by taking more than what you have give. That is far from stability and unity.

America might make a statement saying that it has more economic wealth for more people than any other place on the planet, that is a lie! Youre countries resources cant even accommodate to the meet of the people, thats why you need wars to be fight so you can keep stealing other nations money and wealth (oil), thus making you a supreme country.

What goes around comes around. the fall of capitalism and the new dawn of islamic era!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



In Etimology, conflict means to clash or to be incompatible and to be at odds. There are many more meanings for conflict, but what i am trying to explain here is, do we really need this word in our dictionary? a word that its meaning can bring to disagreements, struggle and warfare.

and in the end disaster!

I really hate to discuss about conflict, but i would love to know how can we solve it, so the first step is to discuss.

We wont go far today, will just talk about the muslim world.

Is there conflict between us?

I read an article today (Global Jihad). First i thought it was about the beauty of islam, then when i kept reading it until the end, i realize that the article was really stating that muslim are barbaric people! that to me is a slap in the face, people who merely know anything about islam, is criticizing islam. and these people actually are the ones who are trying to put bad images in the human minds, not only for the non-muslims but for the muslims too!

If you think for a second, just think.... do we really have love among ourselves, i mean between muslims? Let me give you an example.. If you were to be a student in an international university like U.S.M, you would meet some arabs, africans or maybe pakistanis. I would say that many of you would not want to be friends with them.. right? and why is that?

my first ever blogspot

Alhamdulillah hari ini, 14 july 2010 kami empat sahabat ke perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut 1 untuk menyelesaikan tugasan, iaitu membuat blog tersendiri,tugasan ini telah diberi oleh guru kami Pn Dr sukainah aka Pn Fadzlina Azni. Kami amat menghargai bimbingan anda.

Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucap terima kasih kepada Ketua darjah kami, Tuan Meor Hizbullah. Penolong Ketua, Pn.Araisha dan juga Cik Nor ilani sebagai P.A, tak lupa jugak kepada Cik Shahira.

Kami MISDEV 10 ingin mengucap ribuan terima kasih kepada USM kerana sedia memberi peluang kepada kami untuk lanjutkan pelajaran ijazah peringkat sarjana.

Diteruskan dengan kepulangan Pengarah ISDEV, Prof Syukri Salleh.
Harap selamat sampai ke tanah air.